
Optimise Sales Outreach by Using HubSpot Email Templates

Streamline your sales communication with email templates by storing frequently used email content personalise and tailor to your recipients.

Outreach is a critical part of the sales process, but drafting individual emails can be time-consuming and lead to costly mistakes. Sales email templates can optimise sales outreach efforts and improve the chances of success. HubSpot's email template builder offers pre-written emails that businesses can customise and personalise to their specific audience and sales message.

By using email templates, businesses can save time and improve the quality of their sales outreach. Templates cover all the essential points and address prospects' objections or concerns, building trust and credibility and increasing the likelihood of closing deals.

Overall, sales email templates are a powerful tool that streamlines the sales process, improves efficiency, and optimises sales outreach efforts. In this article, we'll provide tips on using templates and show how to create a one-to-one sales email template in HubSpot.

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What is an Email Template?

An email template is a pre-written email that you can use as a starting point for your own communications. Templates can include text, images, logos, and other elements. Templates can be customised with your own branding and formatting, as well as dynamic content such as personalised fields or merge tags. This allows you to tailor each email to your specific audience and message, while still maintaining a professional and consistent appearance. You can use them to save time when you're sending similar emails to multiple people. Email templates can be used for a variety of purposes, such as sales outreach, marketing campaigns, customer service, and more. 

With HubSpot's email template builder, you can create custom templates for your sales outreach efforts. This means that you can include all the information that is most important to your prospects, such as product details, pricing information, and more. Plus, with HubSpot's drag-and-drop interface, it's easy to create beautiful, responsive email templates that will look great on any device.

Why Use Email Templates?

  1. Save time:
    Email templates can save you time by providing a pre-written structure and format for your emails. This means you don't have to start from scratch every time you need to send an email.

  2. Improve efficiency:
    By using templates, you can easily customise and personalise each email for your specific audience and message, which can help to improve the efficiency of your communication.

  3. Maintain consistency:
    Email templates can help you to maintain a consistent appearance and tone across your communications, which can be important for building trust and credibility with your audience.

  4. Increase productivity:
    By using templates, you can streamline your email process and focus on other tasks, which can help to increase your overall productivity.

  5. Enhance professionalism:
    Email templates can help you to create professional-looking emails that are well-organised and easy to read, which can help to improve the effectiveness of your communication. 

  6. Personalisation:
    With HubSpot, you can use personalised fields and merge tags to customise each email based on the recipient's data in your CRM. This allows you to create highly personalised and targeted emails.

  7. Ease of use:
    HubSpot's email template builder is user-friendly and easy to use, even for those with little to no design experience.

  8. Integration with CRM:
    Because HubSpot is a CRM platform, you can easily access and use your email templates within the context of your overall sales and marketing efforts. This can help to streamline your workflows and improve efficiency.

Email templates can be a valuable tool for sales and marketing teams. They can help you save time when you're sending similar emails to multiple contacts. And they can also ensure that your emails are consistent and well-designed.

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Tips for using HubSpot email templates

Now that you know how to create an email template in HubSpot, here are a few tips for using your new template to improve your sales outreach:

Include all the important information in your email template.

Be sure to include your product details, pricing information, and any other relevant information that would be useful for your prospects.

Make your email template visually appealing.

Use HubSpot's drag-and-drop interface to create a beautiful, responsive email template that will stand out in your prospect's inbox.

Include a call-to-action (CTA) in your email template.

Make it easy for your prospects to take action by including a CTA in your email template.

Test your email template before sending it to your prospects.

Be sure to test your email template before sending it to your prospects. This will ensure that everything looks as it should and that your email is error-free.

Customise each template to fit your specific audience and message:

Make sure to tailor each template to your specific audience and sales message. This will help to increase the relevance and effectiveness of your emails.

Use personalised fields and merge tags:

Use personalised fields and merge tags to customise each email based on the recipient's data in your CRM. This will help to create a more personalised and targeted experience for your recipients.

Use the template builder's formatting and design tools:

Take advantage of the formatting and design tools in HubSpot's email template builder to create professional-looking templates that are easy to read and visually appealing.

Keep your templates organised:

Use folders to organise your templates and make it easier to find the one you need.

By following these tips, you can get the most out of HubSpot's email template builder and use it to create effective, professional email templates that can help you to optimise your sales outreach efforts, streamline your sales process and convert more leads into customers.

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Creating an Email Template in HubSpot

1) Log in to your HubSpot account, then go to Conversations > Templates.
2) Click on the Create Template button in the top-right corner.
3) Give your template a name (for internal use only), select a folder to store it in.
4) Once you've chosen a template type, you'll be able to start designing your email template. Use the drag-and-drop editor to design your template, you can also add and format text, insert images, and more using the editor toolbar. 
5) Use the template editor to customise the content of your template. You can add your own branding, formatting, and dynamic content such as personalised fields or merge tags.
6) Once you're happy with your design, click on the Save button in the top-right corner.  

Using Email Templates for Sales Outreach

Now that you've created an email template in HubSpot, let's take a look at how you can use it for sales outreach. Here are a few tips:

When crafting your sales emails, always:

  • Keep your audience in mind.
  • Target their needs and pain points.
  • Establish the tone used to address them in your email
  • Edit and Improve your template over time. Just click on an existing template, and it will open up the template for any updates. 

HubSpot Sales Templates Insert

Combine Sales Templates with other Sales Features in HubSpot

Add Snippets, Documents and meeting links to sales templates. Also, take property values directly from your HubSpot database with personalisation tokens to improve the effectiveness of your outreach efforts. Here's how they can help:

  1. Snippets:
    HubSpot Snippets are pre-written blocks of text that you can insert into your templates. You can use snippets to save time and ensure that you're consistently covering important points in your emails. For example, you might create a snippet for your company's value proposition or a frequently asked question.

  2. Documents:
    Including HubSpot documents in your templates can be a great way to provide your recipients with additional information or resources. For example, you might include a product brochure or a case study.

  3. Meeting links:
    If you use a tool like HubSpot Meetings, you can include a meeting link in your templates to make it easy for your recipients to schedule a meeting with you.

In addition to using these features, you can also use personalisation tokens to insert property values directly from your HubSpot database into your templates. This allows you to customise each email based on the recipient's data, creating a more personalised and targeted experience.

Overall, by adding snippets, documents, meeting links, and personalisation tokens to your sales templates, you can improve the effectiveness of your outreach efforts and increase your chances of success.

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What are Sales Sequences?

HubSpot Sequences are a series of email templates that are automatically sent to your leads over a period of time. You can use sequences to nurture your leads and move them further down the funnel. For example, you could create a sequence for new leads that includes an introductory email, followed by a case study and a discount offer.

To create a sales sequence in HubSpot, go to Automation> Sequences.
Then, click the Create Sequence button in the top-right corner to progress.

On the next page, you'll be able to give your sequence a name and choose when it should start. For this example, we'll choose Manual trigger, which means we'll manually add contacts to the sequence ourselves.

Once you've chosen when your sequence should start, you'll be able to start adding emails to it. To do this, click the Add an email step button.

Repeat this process until you've added all the emails you want to include in your sequence. When you're finished, click the Activate Sequence button in the top-right corner.

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Now that your sequence is activated, you can start adding contacts to it. For more in-depth material, check out HubSpot Sequences

Here are a few additional points you may want to consider:

  1. The importance of following up:
    Sales outreach isn't a one-time event – it's a process that involves following up with leads and prospects to nurture them towards a sale. Using email templates can help you to streamline your follow-up efforts and make sure you're consistently staying in touch with your leads.

  2. The role of segmentation:
    Segmenting your HubSpot email list can help you to create more targeted and effective outreach campaigns. By dividing your list into smaller groups based on shared characteristics or interests, you can create customised templates that are more relevant to each group.

  3. The importance of testing and optimisation:
    To get the most out of your sales templates, it's important to continuously test and optimise them. This can involve A/B testing different versions of your templates, as well as tracking key metrics such as open rate, click-through rate, and conversion rate. By continually testing and improving your templates, you can ensure that your outreach efforts are as effective as possible.

  4. The role of automation:
    Using automation tools like HubSpot Workflows can help you to automate certain aspects of your outreach process, such as sending follow-up emails or tracking the progress of a lead through your sales funnel. HubSpot Automation tools can save you time and help you to scale your outreach efforts, while still maintaining a personal touch.

By including these additional points in your article, you can provide a more comprehensive overview of the benefits and best practices for using email templates for sales outreach


In summary, email templates can be a powerful tool for sales professionals, as they allow you to quickly and easily send personalised emails to prospects and customers. By using templates, you can save time and improve efficiency, while still maintaining a high level of professionalism and personalisation. HubSpot's email template builder is a useful tool for creating and managing email templates, as it allows you to customise and personalise each template with your own branding, formatting, and dynamic content.

To get the most out of your email templates, it's important to customise each template to fit your specific audience and message, use personalised fields and merge tags, test different versions of your templates, use the template builder's formatting and design tools, and keep your templates organised. By following these best practices, you can use email templates to effectively reach out to prospects and customers and improve your chances of success.

Creating email templates for sales or other business functions with HubSpot is easy and takes just a few minutes. With well-designed templates, you can save time and optimise your sales outreach for better results. Try it today!

If you want to learn more about HubSpot Sales, check out our HubSpot Sales Hub Guide

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