
The Benefits of HubSpot Lists - How to use them, When & Why

The benefits of HubSpot Lists. Learn how to use them, when, why and how to get the best results with them

Are you looking for ways to improve your marketing campaigns and engage with your audience more effectively? If so, you might want to consider using HubSpot Lists. HubSpot Lists are a powerful tool that enables businesses to segment their audience to deliver more personalised and targeted content that resonates with their customers and drives higher engagement and conversion rates. 

In this blog post, we will take a deep dive into HubSpot Lists and explore how businesses can use them to improve their marketing strategies.
We will cover everything from the basics of HubSpot Lists to advanced techniques for creating dynamic lists that update automatically based on changes in contact information or activity. 

Whether you are a HubSpot newbie or an experienced user, this blog post will provide valuable insights into how you can use HubSpot Lists to take your marketing campaigns to the next level. So, let's get started!

What are HubSpot Lists?

HubSpot lists are a powerful marketing tool that can help you build your audience, target your marketing campaigns, enrol workflow and sequence automation, build custom views, and increase your conversion rate. These versatile lists can be used for lead nurturing, email campaigns, social media outreach, and more. They enable businesses to segment their audience based on various criteria, making it easier to personalise marketing efforts and target specific groups of people. These criteria can be based on factors such as demographics, behaviour, interests, or engagement with your brand. By using lists to organise and filter their contacts, businesses can deliver more relevant and personalised content that resonates with their customers and drives higher engagement and conversion rates.

Using HubSpot Lists, businesses can segment their audience based on factors such as location, industry, job title, and activity history. This enables them to deliver more relevant and targeted content, which resonates with customers and drives higher engagement and conversion rates. In addition, businesses can create lists based on interactions with specific email campaigns or even by job title or company size. Lists can be dynamic or static, meaning they can update automatically based on certain triggers or remain fixed. For example, businesses can build lists of prospect lead lifecycles to align their efforts with the buyer journey. This enables them to tailor their marketing efforts to meet the needs of potential customers at each stage of the funnel.

Overall, HubSpot Lists are a powerful tool for businesses that want to segment their audience and deliver targeted marketing campaigns.

HubSpot Lists 2

Why Use HubSpot Lists?

HubSpot Lists are a powerful tool for managing and organising your contacts, allowing you to segment your audience based on various criteria, making it easier to personalise your marketing efforts and target specific groups of people. Here are some reasons why you should use HubSpot Lists:

Targeted marketing:
HubSpot Lists allow you to create targeted marketing campaigns by segmenting your audience based on specific criteria, such as behaviour, interests, or demographics. They allow you to segment your audience so that you can send targeted communications to speak directly to the needs of each group, which can result in higher conversion rates.

Targeting help you reach the right people at the right time with the right message. For example, you could create a list of customers who have made a purchase in the last six months and send them special offers or promotional materials. Or, you could create a list of contacts who have shown interest in your product but haven't made a purchase yet and send them educational content or freebies in an effort to nudge them further down the funnel. Ultimately better targeting will improve the performance of your HubSpot marketing campaigns.

Lead scoring:
HubSpot Lists can also be used for lead scoring, allowing you to prioritise your leads based on specific criteria such as engagement level, job title, or industry. This can help your sales team focus on the leads that are most likely to convert and improve the overall effectiveness of your sales outreach efforts.

By using HubSpot Lists, you can personalise your messaging and tailor it to the specific needs and interests of your contacts. This can improve the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and help you build stronger relationships with your audience. 
HubSpot Lists can also be used to personalise the experience of visitors to your website. By segmenting your audience based on specific criteria, you can create targeted messaging and offers that are more likely to resonate with them.

Enhanced lead nurturing:
HubSpot Lists can also be used for lead nurturing. By segmenting your audience based on where they are in the buying cycle, you can create tailored messaging that moves them closer to a purchase decision.

Reporting and analysis:
HubSpot Lists can be used for reporting and analysis, helping you track the performance of your campaigns and identify areas for improvement. This can help you refine your marketing strategy and improve the ROI of your marketing efforts. HubSpot Lists offer improved reporting and analysis capabilities, allowing you to track the performance of your campaigns and identify areas for improvement. By regularly reviewing and updating your lists, you can ensure that your marketing efforts remain relevant and effective over time.

Improved email marketing:
HubSpot Lists can be used to improve the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns. By segmenting your email list based on specific criteria, you can create targeted messaging that is more likely to resonate with your audience.

More efficient sales outreach:
HubSpot Lists can be used to make your sales outreach more efficient. By prioritising your leads based on specific criteria, such as engagement level or job title, you can focus your outreach efforts on the leads that are most likely to convert.

Track Performance
HubSpot lists give you the ability to track the performance of your marketing campaigns. This data can be used to improve future campaigns and make sure that your marketing efforts are always on point. 

Keep Organised
HubSpot Lists allows you to easily organise and find the data you need. With HubSpot Lists, you can create lists for customers, leads, deals, and more. You can also add filters and columns to further customise your lists. HubSpot List is an essential tool for any CMO, MD or CEO who wants to easily find and organise their data."

Focus Efforts
Lastly, HubSpot lists provide an easy way for you to keep track of your most valuable leads. By identifying the criteria that matter most to your business, you can make sure that you're always focused on the HubSpot contacts that will have the biggest impact on your bottom line. 

HubSpot Lists can be integrated with other HubSpot tools, such as workflows, lead scoring, and marketing automation. This enables businesses to create a comprehensive marketing strategy that leverages the full power of the HubSpot platform.

HubSpot Lists can be used to automate many aspects of marketing, such as lead nurturing, email campaigns, and social media outreach. By creating dynamic lists that update automatically based on changes in contact information or activity, businesses can save time and resources while still delivering effective marketing campaigns.

Overall, HubSpot Lists offer a wide range of benefits for businesses looking to improve their marketing and sales efforts. By using them effectively, you can improve the personalisation of your messaging, create more targeted marketing campaigns, prioritise your leads, and improve the overall efficiency of your marketing and sales outreach. With the power of HubSpot Lists at your fingertips, you can take your marketing efforts to the next level and achieve greater success.

HubSpot List Segmentation

Tips for creating and using HubSpot Lists

Now, let's dive into some tips on how to effectively use HubSpot Lists in your marketing strategy:

Use Lists for Targeted Marketing Campaigns:
One of the biggest advantages of HubSpot Lists is that they allow you to create targeted marketing campaigns. By segmenting your audience based on specific criteria, you can personalise your messaging and tailor it to their needs and interests. For example, if you have a list of contacts who have downloaded your eBook on social media marketing, you can create a targeted email campaign offering them a discount on your social media management services.

Use Lists for Lead Scoring:
HubSpot Lists can also be used to help you prioritise your leads. By assigning certain values or scores to different criteria, such as a contact's engagement level or job title, you can determine which leads are most likely to convert and focus your efforts on them. This can help you save time and resources by avoiding chasing low-quality leads. 

Use Lists for Sales Outreach:
HubSpot Lists can also be used to help your sales team prioritise their outreach efforts. By creating lists based on factors such as lead score, job title, or industry, your sales team can focus on the leads that are most likely to convert and tailor their messaging to their specific needs.

Use Lists for Reporting and Analysis:
HubSpot Lists can also be used for reporting and analysis. By creating lists based on specific criteria, you can track the performance of different campaigns or initiatives and identify areas for improvement. For example, you can create a list of all the contacts who have attended your recent webinar and track their engagement level over time.

Keep your lists organised and up-to-date:
It's important to regularly review and update your lists to ensure they remain relevant and accurate. This will help you avoid sending irrelevant messages to your contacts and improve the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Use multiple criteria to create more targeted lists:
Instead of relying on a single criterion, try using multiple criteria to create more targeted lists. This will help you create more personalised messaging and improve the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Avoid creating too many lists:
While it can be tempting to create lots of different lists, it's important to avoid creating too many. This can make it difficult to manage and organise your contacts and may result in duplication or inconsistencies in your messaging.

Define your criteria:
When creating a HubSpot List, start by defining the criteria for the contacts you want to include. This could be based on demographics, behaviour, interests, or engagement with your brand.

Use multiple criteria:
Instead of relying on a single criterion, try using multiple criteria to create more targeted lists. This will help you create more personalised messaging and improve the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Keep your lists organised and up-to-date:
It's important to regularly review and update your lists to ensure they remain relevant and accurate. This will help you avoid sending irrelevant messages to your contacts and improve the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Use lists for targeted marketing campaigns:
One of the biggest advantages of HubSpot Lists is that they allow you to create targeted marketing campaigns. By segmenting your audience based on specific criteria, you can personalise your messaging and tailor it to their needs and interests.

Use lists for sales outreach:
HubSpot Lists can also be used to help your sales team prioritise their outreach efforts. By creating lists based on factors such as lead score, job title, or industry, your sales team can focus on the leads that are most likely to convert and tailor their messaging to their specific needs.

Use lists for reporting and analysis:
HubSpot Lists can also be used for reporting and analysis. By creating lists based on specific criteria, you can track the performance of different campaigns or initiatives and identify areas for improvement.

By following these best practices, you'll be able to get the most out of HubSpot lists and make sure you're always targeting the right people.

Create a List Step 1 Hubspot

Creating Lists by Using Filters on Properties

Contact Properties:
You can create lists based on various contact properties, such as first name, last name, email address, company name, or any custom properties you have created.

Company Properties:
You can create lists based on various company properties, such as company name, industry, location, or any custom properties you have created.

Deal Properties:
You can create lists based on various deal properties, such as deal amount, deal stage, deal owner, or any custom properties you have created.

Invoice Properties:
You can create lists based on various invoice properties, such as invoice amount, invoice status, or any custom properties you have created.

Line Item Properties:
You can create lists based on various line item properties, such as line item name, quantity, price, or any custom properties you have created.

Product Properties:
You can create lists based on various product properties, such as product name, SKU, price, or any custom properties you have created.

Quote Properties:
You can create lists based on various quote properties, such as quote amount, quote status, or any custom properties you have created.

Sequence Enrolment Properties:
You can create lists based on various sequence enrolments properties, such as sequence name, enrolment status, or any custom properties you have created.

Ticket Properties:
You can create lists based on various ticket properties, such as ticket status, ticket owner, or any custom properties you have created.

Activity Properties:
You can create lists based on various activity properties, such as activity type, activity date, or any custom properties you have created.

Marketing Interaction Properties

You can create lists based on various marketing interactions, such as advert interactions, email subscriptions, form submissions, marketing campaigns, marketing emails, marketing events, and more.

Ads interactions:
This filter allows you to create a list based on contacts who have interacted with your ads, such as by clicking on an ad or submitting a form on a landing page after clicking on an ad.

You can use this filter to create a list based on contacts who have interacted with your calls-to-action (CTAs), such as by clicking on a CTA in an email or on your website.

Email subscriptions:
This filter enables you to create a list based on contacts who have subscribed to your email list, whether through a form or a direct opt-in.

Form submissions:
This filter allows you to create a list based on contacts who have submitted a specific form on your website or landing page.

Marketing campaigns:
You can use this filter to create a list based on contacts who have engaged with a specific marketing campaign, such as attending an event or downloading an eBook.

Marketing emails:
This filter enables you to create a list based on contacts who have engaged with a specific marketing email, such as opening, clicking, or forwarding an email.

Marketing events:
You can use this filter to create a list based on contacts who have registered or attended a specific marketing event, such as a webinar or a conference.

HubSpot Asset Membership & Enrollment:

You can create lists based on various asset membership and enrollment properties, such as membership in a specific blog or membership in a specific email list.

Import Membership:
You can create lists based on various import membership properties, such as the date the contact was imported, or any custom properties you have created.

List Membership:
You can even create lists based on other lists' membership properties, such as the date the contact was added to the list or the date they were last sent an email from the list.

Integration Filters:
You can create lists based on various integration filters, such as contacts that have been added to HubSpot through a specific integration like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts, and more.

HubSpot Filters & Criteria

HubSpot allows you to segment your lists even further by adding filters. For example, you could add a filter to an active list that only includes contacts who have visited your website in the last 30 days.
To add a filter, click the "Add Filter" button while viewing your list. HubSpot will then prompt you to choose a property and condition (e.g., "Visits in the last 30 days"). You can add multiple filters to a single list.

Once you've created your list, HubSpot will automatically populate it with the contacts or companies that meet your criteria. You can view and manage your lists by going to the Contacts dropdown menu and selecting "Lists." From here, you can add or remove contacts from lists, edit list criteria, and delete lists.

Hubspot List create new list

How to Create a HubSpot List 

To create a HubSpot list, you need to follow these steps:

  1. In your HubSpot account, go to Contacts > Lists.
  2. Click the "Create List" button. HubSpot will then prompt you to select its type (contacts or companies).
  3. Give your list a name, then click "Next."
  4. Choose the relevant filter criteria to build the audience based on the HubSpot properties.
    HubSpot will ask you to select the conditions that will determine which contacts or companies are added to your list.
  5. Press Save

You can then use this list for targeted marketing campaigns, lead scoring, and more.For example, let's say you want to create a list of all your high-value customers. To do this, you would create a list and select 'Customer' as the object type. Then, you would add a filter for 'Lifetime Value' > £1,000. This would give you a list of all your high-value customers. 
Or, you could create a list of all contacts who live in a certain state or who have subscribed to your blog. HubSpot gives you a wide range of options to choose from, so you can create very specific lists. That's it! You've now created a new HubSpot list that you can use to segment your audience and improve your marketing results.

Once you've created your list, HubSpot will automatically populate it with the contacts or companies that meet your criteria.

Keep in mind that to make the most out of your HubSpot lists, you should regularly review and update them with the appropriate filters and criteria to ensure they remain relevant and effective over time.

Clone HubSpo Lists

The Best HubSpot Lists to try

The possibilities are endless, which is why we've put together this list of 5 HubSpot Lists that every CMO should be using.

Customers by Purchase Date
As we mentioned above, sorting your customers by purchase date is a great way to send targeted communications. For example, if you know that most of your customers tend to repurchase after 6 months, you could set up an automated email campaign that goes out at the 6-month mark offering a discount or promotion. This would not only increase customer loyalty and customer lifetime value, but it would also lead to more sales for your business.

Contacts by Lead Score
Your HubSpot account comes with a built-in lead scoring system that allows you to rate each of your contacts based on their likelihood to convert. This is a valuable tool because it allows you to prioritise your sales and marketing efforts by sending more targeted content to the leads who are most likely to buy from you.

Subscribers by Email Type
If you're using HubSpot's email marketing tool (and you should be!), then sorting your subscribers by email type is a must. This will allow you to see at a glance which contacts in HubSpot are subscribed to which emails so you can quickly and easily segment your communications. For example, if you have a contact who is subscribed to your weekly newsletter but not your monthly product update email, then you know that they're interested in general news and information but not necessarily interested in hearing about every new product release. This information can be helpful when determining what type of content to send them in the future.

Leads by Source
This list segments your leads based on where they came from, such as a specific social media platform or website. By understanding which sources are driving the most leads, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to increase lead generation. Tracking where your leads are coming from is essential for understanding what's working (and what's not) in your marketing campaigns. If you notice that most of your leads are coming from one particular source, then you know that that's where you should be focusing your efforts moving forward. Conversely, if you see that very few leads are coming from a certain source, then you know that it's probably not worth spending too much time or money on that particular channel.

Contacts by Job Title
Last but not least, sorting your contacts by job title can be extremely helpful when determining who your target audience is and what type of content they're interested in seeing. For example, if you sell software that helps businesses manage their finances, then sorting your contacts by job title would allow you to see at a glance how many CFOs or controllers are in your database so that you can target them with specific content

Contacts by industry:
This list segments your contacts based on the industry they operate in. By understanding the unique needs and pain points of each industry, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to address their specific needs and interests.

Leads by form submission:
This list segments your leads based on the forms they have submitted on your website. By understanding which forms your leads are filling out, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to meet their specific needs and interests.

Customers by revenue:
This list segments your customers based on the amount of revenue they generate for your business. By understanding which customers are your highest revenue generators, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to retain their loyalty and increase their lifetime value.

Contacts by website activity:
This list segments your contacts based on their website activity, such as pages viewed and time spent on your site. By understanding which pages your contacts are engaging with, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to increase engagement and conversions.

Subscribers by newsletter type:
This list segments your subscribers based on the type of newsletter they have subscribed to. By understanding which types of content your subscribers are interested in, you can create targeted newsletters that are designed to meet their specific needs and preferences.

Leads by content offer:
This list segments your leads based on the content offers they have downloaded from your website. By understanding which types of content your leads are interested in, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to move them further down the funnel.

Customers by product usage:
This list segments your customers based on how frequently they use your product or service. By understanding how your customers are using your product, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to increase engagement and retention.

Contacts by persona:
This list segments your contacts based on the buyer personas you have created for your business. By understanding the unique needs and preferences of each persona, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to meet their specific needs and interests.

Subscribers by blog topic:
This list segments your subscribers based on the topics they are interested in reading about on your blog. By understanding which topics are most popular among your subscribers, you can create targeted blog content that is designed to engage and inform them.

Customers by upsell potential:
This list segments your customers based on their potential to purchase additional products or services from your business. By understanding which customers are most likely to make a repeat purchase, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to increase revenue.

Contacts by social media activity:
This list segments your contacts based on their activity on social media platforms, such as likes, shares, and comments. By understanding which social media platforms your contacts are active on, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to increase engagement and brand awareness.

Leads by demographic:
This list segments your leads based on their demographic information, such as age, gender, and location. By understanding the demographics of your leads, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to meet their specific needs and interests.

Customers by satisfaction level:
This list segments your customers based on their satisfaction level with your product or service. By understanding which customers are most satisfied, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to turn them into brand advocates.

Contacts by content engagement:
This list segments your contacts based on how they engage with your content, such as opens and clicks on emails.

Subscribers by lead magnet:
This list segments your subscribers based on the lead magnets they have downloaded from your website. By understanding which lead magnets are most popular among your subscribers, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to move them further down the funnel.

Leads by event attendance:
This list segments your leads based on the events they have attended, such as webinars, workshops, and conferences. By understanding which events your leads are interested in, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to increase engagement and conversions.

Customers by product category:
This list segments your customers based on the product categories they have purchased from your business. By understanding which product categories are most popular among your customers, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to meet their specific needs and interests.

Contacts by buyer journey stage:
This list segments your contacts based on the stage they are in the buyer journey, such as awareness, consideration, and decision. By understanding where your contacts are in the buyer journey, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to move them further down the funnel.

Subscribers by frequency:
This list segments your subscribers based on how frequently they engage with your content. By understanding the engagement frequency of your subscribers, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to increase engagement and retention.

Leads by content consumption:
This list segments your leads based on the content they consume on your website, such as blog posts and videos. By understanding which content your leads are interested in, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to move them further down the funnel.

Customers by referral source:
This list segments your customers based on the referral source that led them to your business. By understanding which referral sources are driving the most customers, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to increase referral traffic.

Contacts by engagement score:
List segments of your contacts based on their engagement score, which is a measure of how frequently they engage with your brand across multiple channels. By understanding the engagement score of your contacts, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to increase engagement and retention.

Subscribers by lead nurturing stage:
This list segments your subscribers based on the stage they are in the lead nurturing process, such as awareness, interest, and consideration. By understanding where your subscribers are in the lead nurturing process, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to move them further down the funnel.

Leads by product interest:
This list segments your leads based on the products or services they are interested in. By understanding which products or services your leads are interested in, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to meet their specific needs and interests.

Customers by customer acquisition cost:
This list segments your customers based on the cost of acquiring them. By understanding which customers are most cost-effective to acquire, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to increase profitability.

Contacts by company revenue:
This list segments your contacts based on the revenue of the companies they work for. By understanding the revenue of your contacts' companies, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to meet their specific needs and interests.

Subscribers by lead magnet topic:
This list segments your subscribers based on the topic of the lead magnets they have downloaded from your website. By understanding which topics are most popular among your subscribers, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to meet their specific needs and interests.

Leads by lead magnet topic:
This list segments your leads based on the topic of the lead magnets they have downloaded from your website. By understanding which topics are most popular among your leads, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to move them further down the funnel.

Customers by frequency of purchase:
This list segments your customers
Contacts by website behaviour:
This list segments your contacts based on their behaviour on your website, such as the pages they visited, the forms they filled out, and the buttons they clicked. By understanding your contacts' website behaviour, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to meet their specific needs and interests.

Subscribers by email engagement:
This list segments your subscribers based on their engagement with your email campaigns, such as opens, clicks, and replies. By understanding which subscribers are most engaged, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to increase engagement and retention.

Leads by content format:
This list segments your leads based on the format of the content they consume on your website, such as blog posts, videos, and infographics. By understanding which content formats your leads prefer, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to meet their specific needs and interests.

Customers by purchase frequency:
This list segments your customers based on how frequently they make purchases from your business. By understanding the purchase frequency of your customers, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to increase engagement and retention.

Contacts by persona stage:
This list segments your contacts based on the stage they are in the persona development process, such as awareness, consideration, and decision. By understanding the persona stage of your contacts, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to move them further down the funnel.

Subscribers by email frequency:
This list segments your subscribers based on how frequently they want to receive emails from your business. By understanding the email frequency preferences of your subscribers, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to increase engagement and retention.

Leads by lead nurturing content:
This list segments your leads based on the content they consume in the lead nurturing process, such as emails, webinars, and ebooks. By understanding which lead-nurturing content your leads prefer, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to move them further down the funnel.
Customers by product adoption:

This list segments your customers based on how frequently and effectively they use your product or service. By understanding the product adoption of your customers, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to increase engagement and retention.

Contacts by social media channel:
This list segments your contacts based on the social media channels they are active on. By understanding the social media channels your contacts prefer, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to increase engagement and brand awareness.

Subscribers by lead magnet format:
This list segments your subscribers based on the format of the lead magnets they have downloaded from your website, such as videos, ebooks, and webinars. By understanding which lead magnet formats your subscribers prefer, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to meet their specific needs and interests.

Leads by keyword search:
This list segments your leads based on the keywords they used to find your business. By understanding the keywords that drive the most leads, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to increase lead generation.

Customers by loyalty status:
This list segments your customers based on their level of loyalty to your brand. By understanding the loyalty status of your customers, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to retain their loyalty and increase their lifetime value.

Contacts by pain point:
This list segments your contacts based on the pain points they are experiencing, such as a need for more leads or a need for better customer support. By understanding the pain points of your contacts, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to meet their specific needs and interests.

Subscribers by content topic:
This list segments your subscribers based on the topics of the content they are interested in, such as social media marketing or email marketing. By understanding the content topics that your subscribers are interested in, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to meet their needs.
Leads by location:
This list segments your leads based on their geographical location. By understanding where your leads are located, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to meet their specific needs and interests based on their location.

Customers by purchase value:
This list segments your customers based on the value of their purchases. By understanding the purchase value of your customers, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to increase their lifetime value.

Contacts by lead magnet engagement:
This list segments your contacts based on their engagement with your lead magnets. By understanding which contacts are engaging with your lead magnets, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to move them further down the funnel.

Subscribers by email list:
This list segments your subscribers based on the email lists they have subscribed to. By understanding which email lists your subscribers are interested in, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to meet their specific needs and interests.

Customers by renewal date:
This list segments your customers based on their renewal date. By understanding when your customers' subscriptions or contracts are up for renewal, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to retain their loyalty and increase their lifetime value.

In summary, HubSpot provides a wide range of list criteria that you can use to organise and segment your contacts, leads, and customers. By using these lists, you can create targeted campaigns that are designed to meet the specific needs and interests of your audience, resulting in increased engagement, conversions, and revenue. When deciding which lists to use, consider your business goals, target audience, and the data available in your HubSpot account to create effective and impactful campaigns.


HubSpot Lists offer a wealth of opportunities for businesses looking to improve their marketing efforts. When used correctly, they allow you to segment your audience based on specific criteria, personalise your messaging, and prioritise your leads. By following best practices such as using multiple criteria, keeping your lists organised and up-to-date, and using lists for targeted marketing campaigns and lead scoring, you can maximise the potential of your HubSpot Lists.

With the power of HubSpot Lists at your fingertips, the possibilities for improving your marketing strategy are endless. So, get started today and see how HubSpot Lists can take your marketing efforts to the next level!

If you want to learn more about HubSpot Marketing, check out our HubSpot Marketing Hub Guide.

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