
Landing Page Tips: All You Need to Know

A landing page is a specific web page that is designed for lead generation and conversion. They can be tested against website pages or other landing pages.


If you're looking to generate leads and convert visitors into customers, a landing page is a crucial part of any digital marketing campaign. However, creating an effective landing page can be challenging. Fortunately, there are many tips and tools available to help you create a landing page that will convert visitors into customers.

In this article, we've covered the basics of landing pages, including how to create an effective landing page, how to test different versions of your landing page, and how to optimise your landing page to improve conversion rates. By following these tips, you can create a landing page that will help you achieve your marketing goals and grow your business

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a specific web page that is designed for lead generation and conversion.
It is typically created as part of an online marketing campaign and features a call to action, such as "sign up now" or "learn more."
Landing pages are focused on a single conversion goal and are usually accessed through links in online advertising or email marketing campaigns. They are effective because the design and copy of the page are geared towards encouraging visitors to take the desired action, such as filling out a form or making a purchase.

A landing page is a specific web page that is designed for lead generation and conversion. Landing pages are usually created as part of an online marketing campaign, and they typically feature a call to action, such as "sign up now" or "learn more."
They are typically high converting and have a clear call to action. Landing pages are usually accessed through links in online advertising or email marketing campaigns.

The design and copy of the page are carefully crafted to encourage visitors to take the desired action, such as filling out a form or making a purchase. This targeted approach makes landing pages highly effective at converting visitors into leads or customers.

Landing pages are effective because they are focused on a single conversion goal.
This means that the design and copy of the page should be geared towards encouraging visitors to take the desired action. 

A landing page is a web page that is specifically designed to convert visitors into leads or customers. They are usually created as part of an online marketing campaign and feature a clear and prominent call to action, such as "subscribe now" or "buy today". Landing pages are highly focused on a single conversion goal, and they are typically accessed through links in online ads or emails. 

How to Create an Effective Landing Page

The whole point of a landing page is to get people to convert, so make sure that your call to action is prominently displayed and easy to find. The button should be big and visible, and the copy should be clear and concise.

Following these tips should help you create effective landing pages that convert. Remember, the key is to keep it simple, use strong visuals, and offer something valuable to visitors.

Your landing page is one of the most important elements of your website. It's the first thing people see when they arrive on your site, so it's important to make a good impression. Here are some tips to help you create an effective landing page:

An effective landing page is key to any digital marketing campaign. Landing pages are often the first interaction between a potential customer and your business, so it’s important to make a good impression. 

HubSpot Landing Pages tips

Here are some tips for creating effective landing pages:

1. Keep it simple

The best landing pages are often the simplest ones. This means that you should focus on having a clear and concise message, and avoid adding too much unnecessary content or distractions. Don't try to cram too much information onto your landing page. Stick to the essentials and make sure your message is clear. Keep your Landing Page simple and focused on one conversion goal.

2. Use strong visuals

People are visual creatures, so it's important to use strong visuals on your landing page. This could include things like photos, infographics, or videos. 
Use images, videos, or infographics to grab attention and make your landing page more engaging and visually appealing. Make sure your Landing Page is visually appealing with strong visuals and engaging copy.

3. Use persuasive copy

Your landing page copy should be designed to persuade visitors to take the desired action. This means using powerful and convincing language and making sure that your overall message is clear. Use strong headlines and calls to action.
Your headline should be attention-grabbing and your call to action should be clear and concise.

4. Offer something valuable

In order to get people to convert on your landing page, you need to offer them something that they find valuable. This could be a free ebook, a discount code, or access to exclusive content.

5. Make it easy to convert

Use a clear and concise call to action that stands out on your Landing Page.

6. Consider using a Landing Page Builder

Landing page builders like HubSpot, LeadPages or Unbounce help save time to create high-converting Landing Pages easily.
You can learn more about HubSpot's Landing Page tool here.

7. Use GDD Methodology (Growth Driven Design)

Use reporting to make informed decisions and changes Google Analytics, for example, is a free tool that can be used to track the performance of your Landing Page.

8. Test, test, test.

Make sure to test your landing page before you launch it. Try different versions of your headline and call to action to see what works best. Test different versions of your Landing Page to see what converts best.

By following these tips, you can create an effective landing page that will help convert visitors into customers.

Landing pages are a vital part of any digital marketing campaign. They are the first step in the conversion process and can make or break your success. By following these tips, you can create effective landing pages that will help you achieve your goals.

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Landing Pages Testing:

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a method of comparing two versions of a Landing Page to see which one performs better. A/B testing can be used to test different elements of your Landing Page, such as the headline, copy, images, and call to action. By testing different versions of your Landing Page, you can identify what works best for your business and your audience.

To set up an A/B test, you will need two versions of your Landing Page. You can create these versions yourself or use a Landing Page builder like HubSpot, LeadPages or Unbounce. Once you have created your Landing Pages, you will need to choose a goal for your test. This could be something like click-through rate, conversion rate, or time on page.

Once you have chosen your goal, you will need to decide which Landing Page will be the control and which will be the variation. The control is the Landing Page that you believe is currently performing the best. The variation is the Landing Page that you want to test against the control.

Once you have decided on your Landing Pages and goals, you will need to set up your A/B test. Once your test is set up, you will need to drive traffic to your Landing Pages and wait for the results. After a period of time, you will be able to see which Landing Page performed better and make changes accordingly.

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Landing Page Optimisation:

Landing Page optimisation is the process of improving the performance of your Landing Page. Landing Page optimisation can be used to improve conversion rates, click-through rates, and other key metrics. Landing Page optimisation typically involves A/B testing, but it can also involve other methods such as user testing and web analytics.

To optimise your Landing Page, you will need to identify your goals.
This could be something like increasing conversion rate or reducing bounce rate. Once you have identified your goals, you will need to gather data about your Landing Page. This data can be collected using tools like Google Analytics or HotJar.

Once you have collected data about your Landing Page, you will need to analyse it to identify areas for improvement. After you have identified areas for improvement, you will need to create new Landing Pages or make changes to your existing Landing Pages. Once you have made these changes, you will need to re-run your tests and compare the results.

If you are not seeing the results you want, it may be necessary to try a different approach. Landing Page optimisation is an ongoing process and it may take some time to achieve the results you want. However, by following these tips, you can optimise your Landing Page and improve your conversion rate.
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Text Copy and image assets for landing pages

Landing Page copy should be clear and concise.
It should highlight the benefits of your product or service and explain why your audience should take action.

Landing Page images should be relevant and engaging:
They should help to explain your offer and persuade your audience to take action.

Landing Page videos can be used to explain your offer in more detail or show your product in use.
If you use video on your Landing Page, make sure it is hosted on a platform like YouTube or Vimeo so that it can be viewed on all devices.

Landing Page forms should be short and easy to complete.
They should only ask for information that is necessary to convert the lead into a customer.

Landing Page call-to-actions (CTAs) should be clear and persuasive.
They should tell your audience what you want them to do and why they should do it.

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Devices & Type of traffic for landing pages

Landing Pages should be designed for specific types of traffic.
This means that you should create different Landing Pages for different sources of traffic. For example, if you are running a paid ad campaign, you will need to create a Landing Page that is optimised for paid traffic. This Landing Page should be different from the Landing Page you would use for organic traffic.

Landing Pages should also be designed for specific devices.
This means that you should create separate Landing Pages for desktop and mobile traffic. Mobile Landing Pages should be designed to be viewable on all devices, including smartphones and tablets.

Best Landing Page Tools Compared:

  • LeadPages:
    LeadPages is a popular landing page builder that includes templates for a variety of industries and conversion goals.

  • Unbounce:
    Unbounce is another popular landing page builder that offers a wide range of templates and customisation options.

  • Landingi:
    Landingi is a Landing Page platform that helps you create, publish, and test Landing Pages quickly and easily.

  • Instapage:
    Instapage is a powerful Landing Page platform with features like A/B testing, team collaboration, and dynamic text replacement.

  • HubSpot Landing Pages:
    HubSpot Landing Pages is a free Landing Page builder that includes templates, tools, and integrations to help you create high-converting Landing Pages.

LeadPages vs. Unbounce:

Both LeadPages and Unbounce are popular Landing Page builders that offer a wide range of features and templates. However, there are some key differences between the two platforms.

LeadPages is focused on helping you create high-converting Landing Pages quickly and easily. They offer a wide range of templates for different industries and conversion goals. LeadPages also includes features like A/B testing, LeadBoxes, and integrations with popular email marketing platforms.

Unbounce is another powerful Landing Page builder that offers a similar range of features and templates. Unbounce also includes some unique features like dynamic text replacement and sticky bars. In addition, Unbounce offers a wide range of integrations with popular marketing and CRM platforms.

Here are a few additional tips for creating effective landing pages:

  1. Use a clear and descriptive headline:
    The headline should clearly describe the offer or benefit that the visitor will receive by converting on the page.

  2. Keep the form short and simple:
    If you are using a form on the landing page, make sure to keep it as short as possible and only ask for the information that is absolutely necessary.

  3. Use social proof:
    Including customer testimonials, trust badges, or media logos on the landing page can help to build trust and credibility with visitors.

  4. Make the page mobile-friendly:
    With more and more people accessing the internet on their smartphones, it is important to make sure that the landing page is mobile-friendly and easy to use on small screens.

  5. Use clear and descriptive URLs:
    The URL of the landing page should accurately reflect the content of the page and be easy for visitors to understand.

  6. Use A/B testing:
    A/B testing, also known as split testing, involves creating two different versions of the landing page and testing them to see which performs better. This can be a helpful way to optimise the page and improve conversion rates.

I hope these additional tips are helpful! Do you have any other questions about landing pages or digital marketing?


A landing page is a specific web page designed for the purpose of lead generation and conversion. It typically features a call to action and is accessed through links in online advertising or email marketing campaigns. To create an effective landing page, it is important to keep the page simple and focused on a single conversion goal, use strong visuals, including persuasive copy with a clear call to action, offer something valuable to visitors, and make it easy for visitors to convert.

It can also be helpful to consider using a landing page builder, utilise the Growth Driven Design methodology, and test different versions of the landing page. Other tips include using a clear and descriptive headline, keeping forms short and simple, using social proof, making the page mobile-friendly, and using clear and descriptive URLs.

Landing Page optimisation is a critical part of any digital marketing campaign. By following Landing Page Tips, you can optimise your Landing Page and improve your conversion rate. Landing Page optimisation is an ongoing process, so be sure to test new Landing Page designs and copy regularly. With a little time and effort, you can significantly improve the performance of your Landing Pages.


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