
HubSpot Deals - A Great Opportunity for Your Business

Use HubSpot to close more deals and manage your sales process more scientifically and systematic. Understand bottlenecks in the process to speed up wins

In today's competitive market, mastering the art of closing deals and managing a sales pipeline efficiently can profoundly influence your business's growth and profitability. Enter HubSpot Deals, an innovative feature within the HubSpot Service Hub designed to refine your sales operations and enhance your deal-closing capabilities. This tool not only centralizes your deal management but also provides deep insights into your sales pipeline, helping you quickly identify and address bottlenecks.

For businesses striving not only to generate leads but to convert them into loyal customers, HubSpot Deals, coupled with HubSpot Sales Quotes, forms a powerful duo that boosts lead conversion rates. In this blog post, we will explore the transformative impact of HubSpot Deals, revealing how its features can revolutionise your sales processes and significantly increase your efficiency in closing deals.

Let's embark on a journey to unlock the full potential of HubSpot Deals. We'll explore how to set up and track deal stages, utilise its integration capabilities with HubSpot CRM, and ultimately, refine your sales strategy and elevate your team’s performance. Whether you're aiming to fine-tune your sales tactics or boost your team’s output, understanding how to leverage HubSpot Deals will provide you with the necessary tools to enhance your win rates and accelerate your business growth. Ready to transform your sales approach? Dive deep into the world of HubSpot Deals with us.

What are HubSpot Deals?

HubSpot Deals is an essential feature designed to empower sales teams by providing a comprehensive tool to manage and monitor sales opportunities effectively. As a central component of the HubSpot Sales Hub, this tool enables users to track the progression of deals through various stages while keeping a close eye on crucial data points such as expected close dates and the probability of closing.

With HubSpot Deals, businesses can significantly streamline their sales process. This streamlined approach not only helps in closing more deals but also boosts overall revenue. The tool provides sales representatives and managers complete visibility into the deal pipeline, which is critical for forecasting and resource allocation. The intuitive interface of HubSpot Deals makes it accessible and easy to use, allowing sales teams to focus more on selling and less on administrative tasks.

One of the standout features of HubSpot Deals is its centralised tracking system. All deal-related information is stored in one location, which simplifies the management process. Sales teams can view their deals on the Deals index page, which lists all current deals, or they can opt for a more visual approach by organising deals by stage. This not only helps in quickly identifying the status of each deal but also enables teams to receive notifications when deals progress through stages, ensuring they never miss a beat.

By consolidating deal information in one accessible place, HubSpot Deals enhances the ability of sales teams to monitor various stages of the deal lifecycle effectively. This visibility is invaluable as it allows teams to prioritise efforts on the most promising opportunities, thereby maximising efficiency and improving the chances of successful outcomes.

In summary, HubSpot Deals equips businesses with the tools needed to manage their sales pipeline more effectively. It offers a robust platform for tracking, managing, and closing sales opportunities, which in turn helps businesses grow their sales and increase revenue. This full visibility and control over the sales process make HubSpot Deals an indispensable tool for any sales-driven organisation looking to improve its sales operations and drive business growth.

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How HubSpot Deals Enhance Sales Management

HubSpot Deals is a dynamic feature that enhances the way sales teams manage and monitor their opportunities throughout the sales cycle. By effectively tracking the progression of each deal through predefined stages, this tool provides a systematic approach to understanding and optimising the sales process. The functionality of HubSpot Deals extends from basic tracking to sophisticated management, making it a comprehensive solution for sales optimisation.

Visual Pipeline Management:
HubSpot Deals offers two primary ways to view your sales pipeline. You can either view a list of deals, laid out in a straightforward table format, or you can opt for a more dynamic Kanban-style visual pipeline. This visual pipeline not only displays each deal’s current stage but also allows sales teams to quickly identify which deals are "hot" (likely to close soon) and which are "cold" (may require additional nurturing) based on critical criteria like expected close date and probability of closing.

Detailed Deal Records:
Each sales opportunity in HubSpot is represented as a deal record, which encapsulates essential information such as the deal’s name, its value, and associated contacts or companies. These records are not static; users can add notes, attach files, and assign tasks within each deal. This functionality promotes effective collaboration among team members and enables sales managers to keep a pulse on deal-related activities, ensuring that everyone is aligned and informed.

Customisation and Automation:
Recognising that each business has unique sales processes, HubSpot Deals allows for extensive customisation. Sales teams can create custom deal stages that mirror their specific sales steps, and tailor the visual pipeline to match. Furthermore, HubSpot facilitates automation within this ecosystem. For example, setting up automated triggers can send follow-up emails automatically when a deal progresses from one stage to another, helping to maintain momentum and engagement without manual intervention.

Centralised Tracking System:
At its core, HubSpot Deals provides a centralised platform where all deal information is accessible, which simplifies the management process significantly. This centralisation is crucial for maintaining an organised and efficient sales process, enabling teams to spend more time on strategic sales activities rather than administrative tasks.

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The Benefits of HubSpot Deals

HubSpot deals helps businesses improve their sales processes and achieve better results including:

Streamlined sales process:
HubSpot Deals allows users to manage and track deals in one centralised location, making it easier to monitor the progress of each opportunity and ensuring a more efficient sales process.

Improved time and resource management:
By providing visibility into the deal pipeline, HubSpot Deals helps sales teams prioritise their time and resources on the most promising opportunities, resulting in the more effective use of resources and better sales outcomes.

Enhanced insights into deals:
HubSpot Deals offers valuable data on each deal, such as the expected close date and probability of closing. These insights help sales teams make informed decisions and focus their efforts on the opportunities with the highest likelihood of success.

Focus on high-priority deals:
The visual pipeline in HubSpot Deals enables users to quickly identify "hot" and "cold" opportunities, allowing them to concentrate on the deals most likely to close and contribute to revenue growth.

Integration with other HubSpot tools:
HubSpot Deals seamlessly integrates with other parts of the HubSpot platform, such as Contacts and Companies, ensuring that all relevant information about a deal is easily accessible in one place. This integration facilitates better collaboration and communication among team members.

HubSpot Deals allows users to create custom deal stages and tailor the sales process to their specific business needs, resulting in a more accurate reflection of the company's sales pipeline and progress towards closing deals.

Close More Deals:
HubSpot Deals can help your business close more sales by streamlining the sales process and providing valuable insights into your deals. With HubSpot Deals, you can track your deals from start to finish, so you always know where they are in the sales process. In addition, HubSpot Deals provides valuable data about your deals, such as how likely they are to close and what factors are influencing their success. This data can be extremely helpful in determining which deals to focus on and how to best win them.

Track Progress:
By tracking the progress of deals through each stage of the sales cycle, you can quickly identify which deals are "hot" and which ones are "cold." This information is valuable because it allows you to focus your attention on the deals that are most likely to close. This gives you visibility into the health of your pipeline so you can make informed decisions about where to allocate resources. Avoid missing out on opportunities by tracking all the relevant data points in one place.

Pipeline Management:
Another reason to use HubSpot Deals is that it can help you manage your sales pipeline. The visual pipeline makes it easy to see which deals are in progress and which ones need more attention. This information is valuable because it allows you to prioritise your time and resources. This gives you visibility into your sales pipeline so you can make more informed decisions about where to allocate resources.
You can also have more than one sales pipeline, each with its own deal stages. (e.g. one pipeline for new business, and one for account management). This can be done within the setting of the deal object. 

Default Deal Stages

HubSpot Deal Stages represent the different steps in a company's sales process that a deal must pass through before it is successfully closed. These stages help sales teams track the progress of each deal and assess the likelihood of closing.

By default, HubSpot includes a sales pipeline with seven deal stages:

  1. Appointment scheduled (20%): An initial meeting or appointment has been set up with the prospect.
  2. Qualified to buy (40%): The prospect has been assessed and deemed to have the potential to make a purchase.
  3. Presentation scheduled (60%): A sales presentation, product demo, or proposal has been arranged for the prospect.
  4. Decision maker bought in (80%): The key decision-maker within the prospect's company has expressed interest in the product or service.
  5. Contract sent (90%): A formal contract or agreement has been sent to the prospect for review and approval.
  6. Closed won (100% Won): The deal has been successfully closed, and the prospect has become a customer.
  7. Closed lost (0% Lost): The deal has not been successful, and the prospect has decided not to proceed with the purchase
These default stages can be customised to match a company's unique sales process, and the probabilities associated with each stage can be adjusted to reflect the likelihood of a deal moving forward. By using HubSpot Deal Stages, businesses can gain better insights into their sales pipeline and make more informed decisions about resource allocation and deal prioritisation.

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Deal Pipelines

HubSpot Deal Pipelines serve as dynamic visual representations of a company's sales process, illustrating the progression of deals through various stages until they are successfully closed. Each pipeline is composed of multiple deal stages, mirroring the sequential steps a deal must navigate during the sales cycle.

These pipelines provide sales teams with a comprehensive overview of their active deals, enabling them to identify and prioritise the most promising opportunities. For sales managers, pipelines are instrumental tools for monitoring team performance and strategising resource allocation effectively.

HubSpot allows businesses to tailor multiple deal pipelines to fit specific sales scenarios, such as new business acquisition, account management, or partnerships. This adaptability ensures that companies can accurately track and manage different types of deals, providing deeper insights into the performance of distinct sales processes.

Streamlining Sales with HubSpot Deal Pipelines

By leveraging HubSpot Deal Pipelines, businesses can refine their sales processes to ensure that promising opportunities are given priority, thereby enhancing overall sales outcomes. HubSpot offers several views within the pipeline to aid sales teams in managing and tracking their deals:

  1. Index List View: This straightforward list format displays all deals within the pipeline, allowing for easy sorting and filtering based on criteria like expected close date or deal owner.

  2. Board View: For a more interactive approach, the board view presents deals as cards that can be dragged and dropped between stages. This setup helps users quickly visualise the number of deals in each stage and identify potential bottlenecks in the sales process.

  3. Custom Reporting and Forecasting: HubSpot also provides extensive reporting and forecasting tools. The forecasting feature, for example, categorises deals as "on track," "at risk," or "off track," using criteria such as expected close dates and closing probabilities. Additionally, users can create custom reports to track specific metrics like the number of deals in each stage or the average deal size per sales representative. These reports are invaluable for sharing insights with team members or upper management, enhancing transparency and facilitating informed decision-making.

Enhancing Sales Management with HubSpot Deal Pipelines

HubSpot Deal Pipelines not only aid in the effective management and tracking of deals but also play a crucial role in boosting sales and revenue growth. The diverse viewing options and detailed analytics provided by HubSpot ensure that businesses can maintain a healthy sales pipeline and make strategic adjustments based on real-time data.

By integrating HubSpot Deal Pipelines into their sales strategy, companies can achieve a more organised and efficient sales process, leading to improved outcomes and sustained growth. Whether you're a sales rep looking to manage day-to-day activities or a manager needing detailed reports for strategic planning, HubSpot’s tools offer the necessary capabilities to advance your sales objectives effectively.

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Features of HubSpot Deals

HubSpot Deals equips businesses with a robust set of features designed to streamline the sales process and enhance the effectiveness of their sales strategies. This powerful tool integrates seamlessly with the broader HubSpot ecosystem, facilitating a more organised and efficient approach to deal management. Here are some of the standout features that make HubSpot Deals an essential asset for any sales team:

Integration with HubSpot Tools

Seamless Connectivity: HubSpot Deals integrates flawlessly with other HubSpot modules, such as Contacts and Companies. This integration ensures that all relevant data about a deal, including communications and associated company information, is consolidated in one easily accessible location. This centralisation enhances collaboration among team members and streamlines communication throughout the sales cycle.

Customisation Features

Custom Deal Stages: Users can tailor deal stages to reflect their unique sales processes, allowing for a more precise tracking of progress and alignment with the company's operational flow. This customisation aids in visualising the sales pipeline more accurately and directing focus towards critical stages of the deal closure process.

Deal Properties: HubSpot allows for the use of standard deal properties or the creation of custom properties to capture specific details pertinent to each deal. This capability enables sales teams to maintain detailed records of each opportunity, providing valuable insights that guide decision-making and strategy formulation.

Deal Record Customisation: Further enhancing its adaptability, HubSpot Deals lets users modify the deal record layout, including customisations to the sidebars, to suit their specific preferences and needs. This flexibility ensures that the user interface aligns with the user's workflow, improving productivity and ease of use.

Automation and Efficiency

Automated Actions: HubSpot Deals automates routine tasks, such as sending follow-up emails when a deal progresses to a new stage. This automation not only saves time but also ensures that critical follow-up tasks are completed promptly, increasing the chances of deal success.

Forecasting Tools: An integral feature of HubSpot Deals is its forecasting capability, which predicts the trajectory of ongoing deals. Deals are categorised as "on track," "at risk," or "off track" based on various indicators, such as expected close dates and deal momentum. This feature provides sales teams with a strategic foresight, allowing them to allocate resources more effectively and prioritise deals that are more likely to close.

Strategic Advantages

Focused Efforts: With detailed insights into which deals are progressing favorably and which are not, sales teams can concentrate their efforts on the most promising opportunities. This strategic focus maximises the efficiency of the sales process and boosts the likelihood of achieving better outcomes.

Enhanced Decision Making: The comprehensive data and analytics provided by HubSpot Deals empower sales managers and teams to make informed decisions. With a clear overview of the sales landscape and real-time data on deal progress, strategies can be adjusted dynamically to address emerging challenges and capitalise on opportunities.

HubSpot Deals integrates with other parts of the HubSpot platform, such as Contacts and Companies, so you can easily see all of the relevant information about a deal in one place. This makes it easy to keep your team up-to-date on the latest developments with a deal and make sure that everyone is on the same page.

By leveraging these features, HubSpot Deals not only simplifies the management of sales opportunities but also enhances the overall productivity and effectiveness of sales teams. Whether it's through better integration, enhanced customisation, automated efficiencies, or strategic forecasting, HubSpot Deals provides the tools necessary for businesses to thrive in a competitive sales environment.

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Deals Settings

HubSpot Deals offers a range of customisable settings that empower businesses to tailor their CRM system to better align with their specific sales processes and goals. By adjusting these settings, companies can optimise their sales operations and equip their sales teams with the tools they need to manage and close deals more effectively. Here are some of the key customisable settings available in HubSpot Deals:

Customisable Deal Settings

Default Deal Properties:

  1. Purpose: Configure default properties for all new deals to ensure consistency and completeness in deal records.
  2. Customisation Options: Customise fields such as deal name, amount, stage, owner, and more, which helps in maintaining a standardised approach to deal information across the organisation.

Pipeline Association:

  1. Purpose: Link deals to specific pipelines to manage different types of sales processes within the same CRM environment.
  2. Customisation Options: Create and associate deals with custom pipelines designed for various sales scenarios like new business acquisition, upsells, or long-term contracts.

Deal Stages:

  1. Purpose: Reflect the unique steps of your company’s sales process in the CRM system.
  2. Customisation Options: Add new stages, rename existing stages, and establish rules for progressing deals from one stage to another, enabling a smoother flow of deals through the sales funnel.


  1. Purpose: Assign a likelihood of closing to each deal stage, enhancing forecasting accuracy.
  2. Customisation Options: Set probabilities based on historical data and other predictive factors to better assess the potential success of each deal at various stages.

 Deal Automation:

  1. Purpose: Automate routine tasks associated with deal management to save time and reduce errors.
  2. Customisation Options: Automate tasks such as sending follow-up emails or creating tasks when a deal moves to a new stage or meets certain criteria.


  1. Purpose: Keep sales teams informed about important developments in deal status.
  2. Customisation Options: Set up alerts for events like deal stage changes or closures, ensuring that all relevant stakeholders are promptly notified.


  1. Purpose: Gain insights into sales performance and pipeline health.
  2. Customisation Options: Develop custom reports to track metrics such as the number of deals at each stage, the average time to close, or the total value of deals won, providing valuable analytics to guide decision-making.

Leveraging Customised Deal Settings

By customising these deal settings, businesses can create a more effective and efficient sales process tailored to their specific needs. This not only enhances the ability of sales teams to manage their pipelines but also improves the overall performance and success rate of sales activities. HubSpot’s flexible platform ensures that as your business evolves, your sales processes can adapt accordingly, maintaining alignment with your strategic goals and market dynamics.

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Configure Deal Settings

Configuring your HubSpot Sales Pipeline is a strategic activity that significantly enhances how your sales team manages and closes deals. By customising the pipeline settings within the HubSpot CRM system, you can ensure that your sales process is not only replicated in a digital environment but also optimised for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

Configure HubSpot Sales Pipeline Settings

Customising Deal Stages:

  1. Purpose: Tailor the stages of your sales pipeline to reflect the specific steps in your sales process.
  2. How to Customise: You can create custom deal stages that correspond to various phases of your sales cycle, such as "Prospecting," "Qualified Lead," "Needs Analysis," "Proposal/Quote," "Negotiation," and "Closed Won." Each stage can be configured to match the activities and milestones typical to your sales strategy.

Setting Probabilities:

  1. Purpose: Estimate the likelihood of winning each deal at various stages of the sales process.
  2. How to Customise: Assign a probability percentage to each stage based on historical data and predictive analytics. This helps in forecasting sales outcomes more accurately and assists in focusing efforts on the deals most likely to close.

Mandatory Stage Completion:

  1. Purpose: Ensure critical criteria are met before a deal advances to the next stage.
  2. How to Customise: Make certain stages mandatory and establish a checklist of pre-requisites that must be completed before moving a deal forward. This feature helps maintain the quality and readiness of deals progressing through the pipeline.

Implementing Customisations in HubSpot

To customise your sales pipeline in HubSpot, follow these steps:

Navigate to Sales Pipeline Settings:

    1. Access your HubSpot dashboard and go to 'Settings'.
    2. Under 'Sales', find and select 'Deals & Pipelines'. This section allows you to view and modify your existing pipelines.

Configure Stage Details:

    1. For each stage, set the probability of closing. These percentages are critical as they influence forecasting reports.
    2. Specify if a stage is mandatory and list the reasons or conditions required to move a deal to the next stage.

Save and Implement:

    1. Once all settings are adjusted according to your preferences, save the changes.
    2. Roll out the updated pipeline settings to your sales team and provide training if necessary to ensure everyone understands how to use the new system effectively.

By carefully configuring your HubSpot Sales Pipeline settings, you can create a more structured and controlled environment that enhances the ability of your sales team to manage deals efficiently. This tailored approach not only aligns with your unique sales process but also improves the predictability and success rate of your sales efforts, ultimately driving better business outcomes.


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Working with More than One Sales Pipeline

You can have more than one sales pipeline, and customise each separately. For example, many companies have a new business sales pipeline and an existing business pipeline.

Selecting and customising multiple sales pipelines in HubSpot allows businesses to cater to different sales scenarios with greater precision. This flexibility is crucial for companies that handle various types of sales processes, such as acquiring new business and managing existing customer relationships.

Benefits of Multiple Pipelines

  1. Targeted Strategies: Having separate pipelines for different business areas allows for more targeted sales strategies and better alignment with customer needs.
  2. Enhanced Tracking and Reporting: Separate pipelines enable more accurate tracking and reporting on performance metrics for different segments of your business.
  3. Improved Resource Allocation: By understanding the unique demands of new versus existing business, you can allocate resources more effectively and prioritise efforts where they are needed most.

Here’s how you can effectively select and manage multiple sales pipelines in HubSpot:

Managing Multiple Sales Pipelines in HubSpot

Within the Deals settings, you will find options to view, edit, or create new pipelines. To add a new pipeline, click the Create pipeline button.
If you already have existing pipelines, you can select any pipeline to customise by clicking on it. Each pipeline can be tailored to match different aspects of your sales operations, such as one pipeline for new business and another for account management or renewals.

For each pipeline, you can set up specific stages that reflect the sales process for that particular type of business. For instance, a new business pipeline might include stages like Initial Contact, Qualification, Demo, and Proposal Sent.

  1. An existing business pipeline might focus more on stages like Account Review, Upsell Opportunity Identified, and Renewal Discussion.
  2. Customise the stages by adding, removing, or reordering them based on the sales flow of each pipeline.

Stage Properties

Assign probabilities to each stage to help forecast revenue and identify the likelihood of deal closure at each phase. These probabilities can be tailored based on historical data and the unique characteristics of each pipeline.

Define mandatory stages or create rules for progression from one stage to the next to ensure consistency and thoroughness in your sales process.

Advanced Features

Take advantage of HubSpot’s advanced features such as automation rules that can trigger specific actions when deals move between stages or meet certain criteria.
Set up notifications and alerts for key milestones within each pipeline to keep relevant team members informed about important changes or required actions.

Implementing Your Pipelines

Once you have set up and customised your pipelines, ensure that your sales team is fully trained on the different processes. Regularly review the effectiveness of each pipeline and make adjustments as needed based on performance data and feedback from the sales team.

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Record Customisation

Record customisation in HubSpot is a powerful feature that enhances how your sales team manages and tracks deal information. By customising deal records with properties from your deals object, you can tailor the HubSpot CRM system to fit the specific needs of your sales process. This flexibility allows for a deeper understanding of your sales pipeline, enabling more effective management and closure of deals.

How to Customise Deal Records in HubSpot

Access Deal Settings:

  1. Navigate to your HubSpot account and go to Settings.
  2. Under the Objects section, select Deals. This area allows you to manage and customise properties related to deals.

Customising Deal Properties:

Modify Existing Properties: You can edit existing deal properties to better align with your business requirements. For instance, you can change the properties like deal stage, deal amount, or expected close date to capture more specific information relevant to your processes.

Create Custom Properties:
HubSpot allows you to create new custom properties tailored to specific needs. For example, you might add a property to track the priority level of a deal or specific conditions that affect the deal progression.

Organising Properties:
Arrange the properties within the deal records for optimal usability. You can prioritise essential information at the top or organise properties into sections that reflect different aspects of the deal, such as financial details, engagement level, or custom metrics relevant to your sales strategy.

Implementing Conditional Logic:

Utilise HubSpot’s capability to add conditional logic to deal properties. This means certain properties can be configured to appear only when they’re relevant based on the values of other fields. For example, additional fields could appear when a deal reaches a certain stage, providing your team with the right information at the right time.

Automating Data Entry:

Reduce manual data entry by setting up automation rules that populate fields based on certain triggers or conditions. This ensures data consistency and saves time for your sales team, allowing them to focus more on selling rather than administrative tasks.

Benefits of Record Customisation

  1. Enhanced Clarity: Customised deal records provide clear visibility into the specifics of each deal, making it easier for sales teams to understand the status and requirements of their sales pipeline.
  2. Increased Efficiency: By ensuring that all necessary information is readily accessible and logically organised, sales teams can act more quickly and effectively.
  3. Better Reporting and Analysis: Custom properties and structured records allow for more detailed reporting and analytics, giving management insights into sales trends and pipeline health.
  4. Improved Sales Processes: Customised records can help standardise processes across the sales team, reducing errors and ensuring everyone follows the best practices tailored to your business's unique needs.

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Designing the Deal Record Layout in HubSpot

Effective deal record layout in HubSpot is critical for ensuring that the sales team can access and utilise important deal information quickly and efficiently. A well-designed deal record not only enhances user experience but also boosts productivity by reducing the time spent searching for critical data. Here’s how to design a deal record layout that maximises efficiency and aligns with your sales processes:

Assessing Sales Team Needs
Before you start customising the layout, engage with your sales team to understand what information they require most frequently. Identify which deal properties are accessed regularly and which contribute directly to moving deals through the sales pipeline. This step ensures that the design of the deal record is user-centric and tailored to the practical needs of the team.

Prioritising Information
Based on the feedback from your sales team, prioritise the information that needs to be most accessible. Critical deal information such as deal stage, deal value, key contacts, closing date, and next steps should be visible without the need to scroll or search extensively. Prioritising this information ensures that sales reps can quickly grasp the essentials of any deal at a glance.

Customising Property Fields
HubSpot allows you to customise the property fields within the deal record. Take advantage of this feature by:

Adding Custom Fields: Include fields that capture unique information important to your business’s sales process, such as customer pain points, product preferences, or deal-specific notes.
Rearranging Fields: Organise the fields in a logical order that follows the flow of your sales process. For example, you might place qualification details at the top of the record, followed by proposal information, and finally, closing details.

Using Sections and Tabs
To avoid clutter and enhance usability, utilise sections and tabs within the deal record. Group related fields together into sections to make the interface cleaner and more navigable. For instance, you can have a section for financial details, another for communication logs, and another for internal notes and tasks.

Implementing Conditional Logic
If HubSpot’s customisation options allow, use conditional logic to show or hide fields based on the status of the deal or actions taken. This dynamic approach to layout design can reduce overload and present users with the most relevant information at each stage of the deal.

Integrating with Other Tools
Ensure that your deal record layout integrates smoothly with other tools and platforms used by your sales team, such as email, calendar, or marketing automation tools. Seamless integration ensures that all pertinent information is synchronised and up-to-date across all platforms.

Continuous Improvement
The design of your deal record should not be static. Regularly solicit feedback from your sales team on the usability and effectiveness of the deal record layout. Be prepared to make ongoing adjustments to adapt to new business needs or improvements in HubSpot’s features.

Testing and Deployment
Before fully implementing a new deal record layout, run tests to ensure that all information displays correctly and that the layout functions well in practical sales scenarios. Once tested, roll out the updated layout to the entire sales team, providing training sessions if necessary to help them adapt to the changes.

By carefully designing your deal record layout in HubSpot, you create a powerful tool that supports your sales team's efforts to manage deals effectively. This tailored approach ensures that your CRM not only stores valuable data but also enhances the accessibility and utility of that data, directly contributing to sales efficiency and success.

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Deal Properties

You can use standard properties from the deals object, or you can create your own custom deal properties.

HubSpot Deal Properties allow you to collect and track important information about your deals within HubSpot's CRM system. They are used to generate reports and store historical changes to each property field. These properties help you to better understand your sales pipeline, track important deal information and provide your sales team with the tools they need to manage and close deals effectively.

Some common HubSpot Deal Properties include:

Deal name: This is a mandatory field that allows you to name the deal for easy reference.

Deal stage: Track where the deal is in your sales pipeline, such as "Qualified Lead," "Proposal Sent," "Negotiating," or "Closed Won."

Amount: Track the value of the deal in your preferred currency.

Probability: Assign a probability of winning the deal, based on factors such as the stage of the deal and historical data.

Close date: Set a date by which the deal is expected to close.

Sales representative: Assign a sales representative to the deal.

Deal type: Categorise the deal by type, such as "New Business," "Upsell," or "Renewal."

Deal source: Track where the deal originated, such as "Inbound Marketing," "Referral," or "Trade Show."

Lead source: Track the source of the lead, which may be different from the deal source.

Deal owner: Assign a specific sales representative as the owner of the deal.

By customising these deal properties, you can create a customised sales pipeline that aligns with your sales process, and provide your sales team with the tools they need to effectively manage and close deals.

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Customising the HubSpot Deals Form

Customising the Deals Form in HubSpot allows you to efficiently collect and manage critical deal-related information directly within your CRM system. This customisation facilitates enhanced data collection from website visitors, leads, and customers, seamlessly integrating this data into your sales pipeline. Here’s how to tailor the HubSpot Deals Form to better suit your business needs and streamline your deal management process.

Steps to Customise the HubSpot Deals Form

1. Access the Forms Tool:

  • Log into your HubSpot account.
  • Navigate to the Marketing menu and select the Forms tool. This is where you can manage all forms associated with your account.

2. Create a New Form:

  • Click the Create form button to start building a new form.
  • Choose whether you want to create a regular form or a pop-up form, depending on how you plan to engage with your users.

3. Select Deal Properties:

  • In the form editor, add the deal properties that you want to collect from your respondents. Common fields include deal name, deal amount, deal stage, and deal owner.
  • These properties are crucial as they allow you to start populating your deals directly from the form submissions.

4. Customise Form Fields:

  • Customise each field by editing labels, placeholder texts, and field types to ensure the form is intuitive and clear for users.
  • Arrange the fields in a logical order that matches the typical flow of deal information collection.

5. Add Additional Fields:

  • Beyond standard deal properties, consider adding fields that collect contact information or other relevant data such as company name, role, or industry.
  • This additional information can be used to enrich your CRM data and provide more context for each deal.

6. Implement Field Validation:

  • Set validation rules for the form fields to ensure the data collected is accurate. For example, make certain fields required, set character limits, or use regular expressions to validate inputs like phone numbers or email addresses.

7. Include a Form Description:

  • Add a brief description or instructions at the top of the form to guide users on how to fill it out, enhancing user experience and improving the quality of submitted data.

8. Design the Form:

  • Customise the design of the form to align with your brand's visual identity. Adjust fonts, colours, and layout to make the form visually appealing and consistent with your other marketing materials.

9. Preview and Test the Form:

  • Preview the form to ensure that it looks and functions as expected on different devices.
  • Conduct a test submission to verify that data flows correctly into your HubSpot CRM and that all integrations work seamlessly.

10. Publish and Share the Form:

  • Once the form meets your requirements, publish it. You can embed it on your website, include it on landing pages, or distribute it through email campaigns.
  • Monitor the form’s performance and gather feedback to make any necessary adjustments.

Benefits of a Customised HubSpot Deals Form

  • Streamlined Data Collection: Directly funnel lead and deal information into your sales pipeline without manual data entry.
  • Enhanced Lead Qualification: Use form data to qualify leads effectively and prioritise follow-up actions.
  • Improved User Engagement: Well-designed forms improve user interaction, potentially increasing conversion rates.
  • Data Consistency: Standardised forms ensure that the data collected is uniform and organised, simplifying reporting and analysis.

By customising the HubSpot Deals Form, you not only make the deal creation process more efficient but also ensure that your sales team has immediate access to relevant and actionable information, allowing them to engage leads and close deals more effectively.

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Using Deals for Forecasting in HubSpot

Forecasting is a powerful feature within HubSpot that uses data from your deals to project future revenue. By assessing the value of each deal and its likelihood of success, HubSpot helps you forecast revenue for upcoming months, quarters, or even the year. The forecasting feature is therefore based on criteria such as expected close date and probability of closing

  • Data-Driven Projections: Utilise deal value and closure probabilities to estimate future earnings accurately.
  • Time-Specific Forecasts: View revenue forecasts by month, quarter, or year to aid in strategic planning and resource allocation.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Make strategic decisions based on comprehensive data analysis and projections.

Maximising the Utility of Deals and Forecasting

To leverage these features effectively, it's crucial to ensure that your deal data is consistently up-to-date and accurate. Regular review and adjustments to the deal details and their associated probabilities are necessary for maintaining the accuracy of your forecasts.

  • Regular Updates: Consistently update deal information to reflect real-time changes in your sales process.
  • Accuracy in Data: Ensure all entered data is correct and reflects the current status of each deal for reliable forecasting.
  • Strategic Adjustments: Use insights from past performance and forecasted data to refine your sales strategies and resource allocation.

Benefits of Using HubSpot's Deals and Forecasting

  • Streamlined Sales Processes: By providing a clear structure and easy management of deals, HubSpot helps streamline your sales activities.
  • Enhanced Revenue Predictions: Accurate forecasting enables better financial planning and helps identify potential revenue streams.
  • Data-Informed Strategies: With detailed insights from ongoing and forecasted deals, you can make informed decisions that drive business growth and efficiency.

By utilising the Deals and Forecasting features in HubSpot, businesses can not only streamline their sales operations but also enhance their revenue generation capabilities. This integrated approach ensures that your sales team is equipped with the tools needed to manage deals effectively and make informed decisions that contribute to the success and scalability of the business.


In conclusion, HubSpot Deals provides a robust framework for businesses aiming to streamline their sales processes, enhance efficiency, and close deals more effectively. By integrating this dynamic tool into your sales operations, you gain unparalleled visibility into each phase of the sales pipeline, allowing for meticulous management and optimisation of every deal.

The combination of HubSpot Deals with HubSpot CRM and HubSpot Sales Quotes creates a comprehensive ecosystem where all necessary tools are unified under one platform. This integration simplifies your sales process and maximises the efficiency of your strategies, ensuring every customer interaction is leveraged for potential conversion, and no opportunity is overlooked.

Moreover, the actionable insights rendered by HubSpot Deals empower businesses to make informed, data-driven decisions. This capability enables you to tailor your strategies to meet the distinct needs of each prospect and to foster stronger, more profitable customer relationships. Whether you are a burgeoning startup or an established enterprise, HubSpot Deals offers the scalability and adaptability required to thrive in a fluctuating market environment and to grow in alignment with your business objectives.

Embracing HubSpot Deals not only improves your operational efficacy but also transforms your customer engagement and business outcomes. Equip your team with HubSpot today and watch your sales pipeline transform into an efficient, deal-closing powerhouse. With HubSpot Deals at your command, enhanced sales success and customer retention are just around the corner.

If you want to learn more about HubSpot Sales, check out our HubSpot Sales Hub Guide

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